'There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack': The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation is a 1987 non-fiction book written by Paul Gilroy. PAUL GILROY is one of the most incisive thinkers of his generation. He is best known for There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack (1987), a controversial exploration of anti-black racism in Britain.

The Resource 'There ain't no black in the Union Jack' : the cultural politics of race and nation, Paul Gilroy ; with a new foreword by Houston A. Baker, Jr
'There ain't no black in the Union Jack' : the cultural politics of race and nation

It also relates to the title of British historian Paul Gilroy’s book, There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack (1987). Like these, Union Black references and deconstructs ideas about collective memory, boundaries and the meaning of allegiance to a nation. Curator Okwui Enwezor has written of Ofili’s red, black and green works. Gilroy criticizes the idea of an English patriotism of the Left fostered by Tony Benn, Eric Hobsbawm and E.P. “There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack” is implicitly also a contribution to the debate about the peculiarities of the development and the weakness of Marxist tradition in England. 'there Ain't No Black in the Union Jack': The Cultural Politics of Race and Nation by Gilroy, Paul. Trade Paperback available at Half Price Books® https://www.hpb.com.

'There ain't no black in the Union Jack'
Title remainder
the cultural politics of race and nation
Statement of responsibility
Paul Gilroy ; with a new foreword by Houston A. Baker, Jr
Member of
Cataloging source
Gilroy, Paul
index present
LC call number
LC item number
G55 1991
Literary form
non fiction
Nature of contents
Series statement
Black literature and culture
  • Blacks
  • Blacks
  • Great Britain
  • Racism
'There ain't no black in the Union Jack' : the cultural politics of race and nation, Paul Gilroy ; with a new foreword by Houston A. Baker, Jr
Gilroy There Ain
Bibliography note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 251-266) and index

Gilroy There Ain't No Black In The Union Jackk

Carrier category
Carrier category code
  • nc
Carrier MARC source
Content category
Content type code
  • txt
Content type MARC source
Control code
22 cm
271 pages
Isbn Type
(pbk. : acid-free paper)
Media category
Media MARC source
Media type code
  • n
Other physical details
'There ain't no black in the Union Jack' : the cultural politics of race and nation, Paul Gilroy ; with a new foreword by Houston A. Baker, Jr
Bibliography note
Includes bibliographical references (pages 251-266) and index
Carrier category
Carrier category code
  • nc
Carrier MARC source
Content category
Content type code

Gilroy There Ain't No Black In The Union Jackhe Union Jack

  • txt
Content type MARC source
Control code
22 cm
271 pages
Isbn Type
(pbk. : acid-free paper)
Media category
Media MARC source
Media type code
  • n
Gilroy There Ain
Other physical details

Library Locations

    • 1020 Lowry Street, Columbia, MO, 65201, US
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Paul joined UCL as Professor of the Humanities in August 2019 and, as Founding Director of the Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the Study of Racism & Racialisation, is responsible for establishing a vibrant new interdisciplinary research centre that harnesses scholarship from across UCL in the critical study of race as well as the history, theory and politics of racism and its effects. The Centre will be outward facing and aims to become a hub for radical scholarship and engaged thinking, drawing in scholars, activists, policy makers and students from across UCL’s faculties, from London, the UK and internationally. In addition to the Director, the Centre will be staffed initially by an administrator and two lecturers and will attract doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows as well as establishing a new MA programme for students interested in exploring processes of racialization, racialized experience and racism in global, trans-historical and multi/interdisciplinary ways.

Paul Gilroy is one of the foremost theorists of race and racism working and teaching in the world today. Author of foundational and highly influential books such as There Ain’t No Black in the Union Jack (1987), The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness (1993), Against Race (2000), Postcolonial Melancholia (2005) and Darker Than Blue (2010) alongside numerous key articles, essays and critical interventions, Gilroy’s is a unique voice that speaks to the centrality and tenacity of racialized thought and representational practices in the modern world. He has transformed thinking across disciplines, from Ethnic Studies, British and American Literature, African American Studies, Black British Studies, Trans-Atlantic History and Critical Race Theory to Post-Colonial theory. He has contributed to and shaped thinking on Afro-Modernity, aesthetic practices, diasporic poetics and practices, sound and image worlds.

Winner of the Holberg Prize (2019), which is given to a person who has made outstanding contributions to research in the arts, humanities, social science, the law or theology, Professor Gilroy was described by the awarding committee as ‘one of the most challenging and inventive figures in contemporary scholarship’. He has transformed the canon of political and cultural history, making us aware of how the African diaspora – spurred into motion, largely, by racial slavery – was an extra-national, socio-political and cultural phenomenon which challenged essentialist conceptions of country, community and identity, and what is more, was constitutive of modernity. Gilroy was one of the founding figures of a remapped global history that embedded the movement of racialized subjects and traded goods into accounts of the world as we know it. His work on racism in modern Britain has consistently countered romantic narratives of whiteness, Christianity and ethnic homogeneity as uniquely constitutive of these islands and has written the long history of Black Britons into the cultural and social fabric of Britishness. Using philosophy, sociology, musicology, literature, history and critical theory, he has breathed new life into the humanist tradition, extending it to include scholarly and political discourses on race and anti-racist polemic.

Photo credit: Lola Paprocka