23 Jun Funniest Celebrity Poker Stories

Was think about posting this anyway. My favorite poker story. I call it 'results oriented'. A friend of mine had been running pretty bad and was on hist last $300 at 1/2. He runs it up to about $800. He's feeling lucky so he moves to 2/5 with $500 with $300 to retreat to 1/2 if it doesn't work out. Shorty after getting a seat he finds himself. Help us to 100K Subscribers - you are reading this, comment. Watch other Videos: Bluffs Gone Wrong - Ph.

Well, to the extent we think it is funny when the rich and famous get sued.

For playing games we can only dream of entering. Like a poker game where you win $311,000.

But, the money (allegedly) was won from a crook who stole it in a Ponzie scheme.

And now the crook is bankrupt, and the bankruptcy trustee is suing Toby McGuire among others, to get poker winnings back.

The claim is that the high stakes poker games, at exclusive Beverly Hills and La La Land hotels and residences were illegal. This is a bankruptcy trustee, on behalf of creditors of the bankrupt crook, suing to collect what he claims are funds that the crook stole from innocent victims, who should have the money back, rather than the innocent victors at the card table.

Gabe Kaplan and Nick Cassavettes are other celebrities among the eleven defendants being sued, though Ben Affleck, buddy Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio also reportedly were players.

Hey, maybe they lost money!

Bradley Ruderman is doing ten years for a variety of convictions, and the trustee states that he lost $1.5 million over time in the poker games. And that the defendants won that money.

Ruderman’s 22 victims gave him $44.3 million to invest, which he successfully turned into $65,000. Reminds me of the joke about how to make a million in the stock market. Start with 7 million.

So it is comforting to know he didn’t blow all of it playing poker.

Being that the games were unlicensed, you can play Texas hold em at licensed venues in California, the winners do not have a legally enforceable claim to the winnings.

At least one professional poker player is among those being sued.

Well, come on, the professional ought to be beating up on the amateurs.


This is a civil suit, for money, so there is no threat of jail time at this point, and no law enforcement agencies have evinced any interest in pressing charges.

image credit Todd Morris/flickr

Play a little online poker, but don’t think you’ll make it to the big time?

These inspiring success stories just might change your mind. They show how through hard work and dedication success is possible - even when the obstacles life throws at you get in the way.

From giving it all up to pursue poker full-time to a surprise win for a 19-year-old, these stories show how with the right mindset some of the world’s best players have beat the odds – at tables both on and offline.

Andrew Badecker

Andrew started playing poker the same way most people do – socially, with friends. After winning fairly consistently, he decided to start playing online.

It was an important learning experience that provided Andrew with a reality check. In his own words, he “got his butt kicked”.

But his passion for poker grew and his skills developed through hard study and persistence. For a time, he was splitting his time between his studies, working a part-time job and playing as much poker online as he could.

It was a major win that changed everything. After making $7,000 in one evening, he decided to give up his job and studies to pursue poker as a full-time career.

His parents didn’t approve, going so far as to throw him out of the house. But Andrew continued to play online.

In 2010 Andrew’s poker career took off when he earned close to $70,000 across seven tournaments. His 2011 winnings alone were in excess of $800,000.

Sold out! Thanks to all who invested and believe in me. And a special thanks to all the doubters. Looking forward to punishing you.

— Andrew Badecker (@Andrewbadecker) 5 July 2017

Continued success not only bolstered Andrew’s finances, but helped his parents understand his potential and love of the game; they welcomed their poker star son home soon after.

Today, Andrew continues to dominate the online poker circuit, having racked up a total of $1,933,180 in winnings as of May 2019.

Annette Obrestad

If you’re looking for a rocket ride to poker stardom, look no further than Annette Obrestad.

Having begun playing poker at a young age, Annette developed her bankroll by winning freeroll tournaments, playing online tables consistently and honing her skills under the online pseudonym ‘Annette_15’.

Her winnings were astounding: between September 2006 and February 2007 alone, she managed to win a total of $836,000.

Her talent and self-confidence were also developing rapidly. In July 2007, she won a $4 buy-in, 180-person competition, during which she claimed to have looked at her cards only once - proving how important it is to play your position well and pay attention to the other players at the table.

Later in September 2007, her career exploded in a major way when she broke two world records in one competition. Winning the World Series of Poker Europe Main Event the day before her 19th birthday netted her £1,000,000, the highest-ever recorded pay-out to a female player.

The win also made her the youngest person ever to win a World Series of Poker bracelet.

Tom Dwan

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Tom Dwan is another great example of online poker amateur-to-pro success, thanks to his intense study of the game.

He began playing poker in 2004 with only a $50 bankroll, then took the plunge and dropped out of college to become a full-time poker player at just 17.

His career started slowly. But after four years building his experience, he had won over $5.4 million and was a major name in high stakes poker - proof of how sticking with it can lead to major success.

Just bought in to my first tournament at the wsop in quite a long time.
Gonna try and win — Tom Dwan (@TomDwan) 26 June 2019

Tom’s ability to see losses within the bigger picture was important. For example, before the 2007 World Poker Championships, Dwan claimed to have lost $2 million of his $3 million bankroll but recovered within a year.

Tom’s attitude towards risk is also illustrated by his so-called ‘Million Dollar Challenge’.

Dwan bet any online poker player that after 50,000 games he would be ahead. If he was, his opponent had to pay $500,000. If Dwan himself was behind, he agreed to his pay is opponent $1.5 million.

The challenge later expanded into what was called the ‘Durrr Million Dollar Challenge’ (named after Dwan’s online username), a 500-hand live heads-up tournament.

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